Sustainable Tourism Law

PLANNING AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM RESOURCES 335 to allow a balanced development, a job market research study, analysis of hotel capacity and other aspects clearly connected with spatial planning. In conclusion, the focus should be on the definition of a strategic sustainable tourism plan before performing any expropriation or declaration of public domain. Without a proper legislation providing spatial planning of tourism resources, the State may risk to appropriate areas of tourist interest when, after a thorough and responsible study, it can conclude that the promotion of investment in those areas, together with a strategic plan that considers the above mentioned elements (environment, environmentally sustainable plans ensuring quality) as the most suitable alternative regarding the prioritization of new tourism development zones. We consider that, as far as the sustainable development of tourism is concerned and within the scope of its spatial planning, it is necessary to establish commissions for these purposes that can be integrated by the municipalities, city councils, ministries and business chambers, to contribute to the development of tourism through a concerted plan. BIBLIOGRAPHY A Noguera. La ordenación del Territorio y los Recursos Turísticos. Rev Arag de Adm Pub. 1999. Avelino Blanco Esteve. “la planificación territorial de las zonas turísticas” Ladevi 2008. F Orduna. El turismo, un recurso para el desarrollo de la colectividad local. Revista aragonesa de Adm Pública 1999. Guidi Graciela Turismo, planificación y sustentabilidad. Desafíos normativos del turismo sustentable. Ladevi 2008. J. Callizo y A. Lacosta. Un estudio tipológico de los recursos turísticos. Revista aragonesa de Administración pública 1999. José Tudela Aranda. El significado y función de los recursos turísticos en la legislación turística. Rev Arag. De Adm Pub. 1999. Ma del Pino Rodriguez. Las directrices de ordenación del turismo en Canarias como instrumento para el desarrollo sostenible. Ed Salamanca 2004. Miguel Domínguez Berueta de Juan. Principio de legalidad y ordenamiento jurídico del turismo. Ed Salamanca 2004. Molla Roque. La nueva ley de ordenamiento territorial 18.308. Conf. Rotondo Felipe “el marco administrativo del derecho del turismo en Uruguay”. 1er congreso de Derecho del Turismo del Mercosur, Uruguay.2005. Tudela Aranda José. El patrimonio cultural como recurso turístico. Ladevi 2008.